Fae Morrigan

Gambler. | Alchemist. | Villainess.

"We are all but measly insects caught within the cruel web of fate."

updated: 3/16/24


"Rumor has it that she once assisted that nutjob known as Lady Amandine... Do you think she had a hand in killing those poor maidens? Did she also romanticize the endless void?"
A terrified Gridanian.

Birth Name:

[Redacted]. ↼


Fae Morrigan. ↼
The Morrigan. ↼
Baroness of House Durand. ↼
[The Blood] Morpho. ↼


Elezen. ↼
Shroud Duskwight. ↼


Twenty-eight Summers. ↼


Hair: Silver. ↼

Left Eye: Ivy Green. ↼
Right Eye: Missing. ↼

Skin: Corpse Grey. ↼

Voice Claim:

Speech: Morrigan - Claudia Black
Singing: Anna


Alchemist. ↼
Gambler. ↼
Proprietress. ↼


⇀ Creating Potions.
⇀ Mixing Poisons.
⇀ Gambling.
⇀ Sleight of Hand.
⇀ Surgery / Non-Aetherical Healing.


⇀ Female.


⇀ Demisexual.
⇀ Monogamous.

Relationship Status:

⇀ Aelius Durand.
⇀ Married.


⇀ Common Eorzean | Fluent
⇀ Old Gelmorran | Fluent
⇀ Hingashi / Doman | Moderate


⇀ Chaotic-Neutral.


⇀ Cursed [???].
⇀ Unstable Aether.
⇀ Predatory Aura.


"I remember she spent some time helping the Resistance. She wasn't the same woman at all when she returned. Unlike many others that had been rescued from that Castrum, she did not weep with joy for being granted a second chance at life, but instead wept for those who were unable to return home."
Resistance Officer.

Fae's true self is shrouded by secrets and lies— just the way she likes it. Getting her to tell the truth will require multiple sessions of RP or OOC permission.If one was to ask her to confirm a rumor to be true or false, she may simply play along with it just for the shock factor.Be warned to not take her words at face value. She is known to have a silver tongue and knows her way around a lie.She is a wildcard.

Please keep in mind that she is a chaotic-aligned character and does not have everyone's best interests in mind.She is unapologetically a villain, but interactions with her will be normal unless discussed OOC or using a criminal hook. I am (at most times) happy to comply if you are needing a villain for short or long term purposes. Fae will not kill another character w/o explicit permissions from the player. Fae will not be killed w/o explicit permission.If you have any questions or concerns about using any of the hooks, do not hesitate to ask!

Common Knowledge

"She flits about as if she were much like her moniker suggests, but she hunts as ruthlessly as a starving spider once she guides you into her web."
A Gridanian Bounty Hunter.

Free to use for walk-ups & icebreakers.

Potionsmaster & Healer

From a young age was Fae trained in the art of alchemy— and yes, she certainly refers to it as an artform— and is hardly humble in her skills. She is a master of making the impossible quite possible. Any potion that one could desire, she can probably make were one to pay well or provide the ingredients necessary.Integrating aetherical manipulation and natural ingredients with such fine precision that it puts your average apothecary to shame.If one is requiring medical attention, this former combat medic is a skilled non-aetherical healer and surgeon.Despite her typical greed and love of gil, she accepts 'favors' in turn for her services.


To garner interest, she will often be fiddling around with various vials filled with unknown substances.Feeling a bit curious as to what she offers? Don't hesitate to ask as she's more than happy to share a sample of whatever it is she brewed up. She knows that once you've tasted what she has to offer, one would be hard-pressed to find better.She has an array of poisons, drugs, or potions of many a variety on her person at all times for sale.

The Morpho

Fae is known to raise and study morphos at a private lab in her freetime. She is oddly immune to the effects of the scales they can produce from their wings to halt one's ability to regain mana.Poisons and toxins seem to have no effect on her.


She runs a mysterious oddities shoppe that houses a lovely little surprise behind its shelves for anyone seeking to buy or sell information, illicit substances, or find someone else to do their dirty work for the right price.

Uncommon Knowledge

"She's like a spectre... an intangible being that wherever she wanders sorrow is sure to be left in her wake. Those that had once brought this fiend to justice now sleep with one eye open."
An Apprentice Conjurer.

For those with ties to the Shroud & Gyr Abanian Resistance.

Dead Girl Walking

She was accused of multiple murders deep within the Twelveswood several years ago linked to Lady Amandine and was considered to be an accomplice— even though she had no connections to the blood-drained maidens found within the depths of Haukke Manor.Whether you believe her innocent or guilty matters not to her as she was declared "dead" by the Order of the Twin Adders and therefore has left that part of her life long behind her.

Catch Her If You Can

Perhaps you've seen her face on a wanted poster within one of the city-states, though most of them fail to depict her 'perfect visage' (or so she'll always complain). Her bounty is quite lofty and would certainly keep one fed and sheltered for many, many moons.She is a widely-known criminal especially in the Twelveswood, Kugane, & Ul'dah under the moniker of "The Blood Morpho".(Please discuss OOC prior to using this hook during a scene.)

Enigma of the Underground

Fae is well-established and highly respected in the criminal underground as a high-stakes gambler, drug dealer, and poisonous b*tch; the last being her preferred method of dealing with her enemies and rivals within the criminal underground. She is known to have an extensive "web" of agents and allies scattered across the realm.The Morpho is happy to find others much like herself— business-oriented and willing to do whatever it takes to obtain fame and fortune before going out with a bang.If one is brave enough to gamble with her, which is one of her favorite means to 'get a read' on another, they would do best to provide their own deck of cards or set of dice.


She was part of the Ala Mhigan Resistance as a combat healer, surgeon, and later a prisoner of war. She has a good memory for those she's tended to or those that were on the frontlines of the Resistance.Fae was kept in one of the many Castrums specializing in using "savages" as research fodder for nearly a full year prior to being freed after the liberation of Gyr Abania.

Rumor Mongering

For those who like a bit of mystery & intrigue.

"'Fae Morrigan'? Not a familiar name to me, but it sounds like the kind of name that the Blood Morpho would take to keep the wool pulled over others' eyes. Heard she might've been some minor noble from the Shroud at one point. 'Levenin' was the name of the family. The lord and lady were both killed by bandits, but their only daughter was left on the doorstep of Lady Amandine to take her in as an apothecary prior to the kidnapping and murders."
Wood Wailer.

"She showed up at our doorstep one day after the alchemist guild gave up on her treatments, yet she made a miracle happen. Yes, she was a bit of an odd one, surely, but she was able to help my child back to full health with just a single potion... and she even gave me several more doses just in case it were to return. There was no payment necessary other than a cup of tea."
An Ul'dahn Vendor.

"I heard that she'd once been working with Lady Amandine— the one lunatic who was killing the young Shroud maidens in hopes of regaining her beauty— as her former alchemist and lady-in-waiting. Real loyal to Amandine she was... enough that I wouldn't put it past her to make a pact with a Voidsent to carry on her mistress' work even after death."

"Usually I don't bet anything I can't win back easily, but one time I played dice with a woman who referred to herself as 'Morpho' and the sneaky git somehow managed to win despite being down by so many points... bet one of my fingers, I did, while she bet the entirety of her estate and airship... now I can only count to nine."
An Unfortunate Gambler.

"It's said that if one were to look beneath her eyepatch, they'll become petrified immediately. Tis a rather easy thing to believe as no one has looked beneath and told the tale of what's /really/ underneath it. Is she actually missin' an eye? Is she cursed like they all say?"
A Tavern Wench from Buscarron's.


I am always seeking artists to commission for artwork of Fae. If you or anyone you know is available at this time, please contact me via Discord (listed on my OOC page).Please check out the links to the artists below and consider giving them kudos or your business!

Fae as XIII (Death Tarot)
Artwork by Tommy Fanggidae

Commission by Tommy Fanggidae

"Pick Your Poison"
Artwork by Kancler Vell

Commission by Pradesta

"High Priestess" by Vetheirys

Commission by SeveredSmile

Piece by Lani

Gift from Goay

Gift Sketch by Vibingway ♥

Gift Sketch by Chester

Valentine's sketch by Hafrun

Gift from Carcosa. ♥


"Oh? You're looking for the Blood Morpho? Well, color me rather impressed; did one of your friends tell you to go ask the shady woman with an eyepatch for something? You've got yourself some smart friends. Now how might the Blood Morpho assist you this evening?"

Fae often has plenty of your typical elixirs, health potions, and various concoctions to alleviate most conditions. Due to her desire to be constantly entertained, she prefers to sell her 'specialities'. The use of real gil is not required and will only be on an IC basis.Keep checking back for new creations!

Fae's Personal Selection:

All potions/poisons/illegal substances listed should be used in RP with consent from the affected party unless used on an NPC.

Author's Notes:
⇀ These are my personal takes on drugs, poisons, etc.
⇀ Please be sure to have approval from other RP parties prior to using these during your session.⇀ I do not condone the use of illicit substances or poisons in a real-life setting.⇀ These are designed by yours truly, so please do not use these in your own carrds/shops without explicit permission & proper credit.


"A potion? There isn't a single potion on this entire Star that I can't make if I have the proper ingredients... and more than a decent payment. Mostly the payment. The rest I'll figure out."

Please choose your flavor below:

Author's Notes:
⇀ These are my personal takes on drugs, poisons, etc.
⇀ Please be sure to have approval from other RP parties prior to using these during your session.⇀ I do not condone the use of illicit substances or poisons in a real-life setting.⇀ These are designed by yours truly, so please do not use these in your own carrds/shops without explicit permission.

Combat Potions

"Fragility"A strange cloudy liquid that turns into a gas when exposed to air.
"Pop the cork and toss into the battlefield to release a strange gas that weakens anyone who breathes it in, but be sure not to breathe it in yourself. Tis a double-edged sword."

Please be sure to have this approved for any regulated combat event.
Effects last for an hour.

"Griffin Unbound"Glowing teal liquid in a vial.
"A potion that makes the consumer feel like they are one with the wind. Temporarily attunes one's aether to the element of Wind— granting one the ability to leap almost inhuman distances and run much faster."

Spells from other elements become incredibly weak.
Please be sure to have this approved for any regulated combat event.
Effects last for an hour.

"Phoenix Tears"Glowing orange liquid in a vial.
"A potion that makes the consumer feel like they are one with the inferno. Temporarily attunes one's aether to the element of Fire— granting one the ability to reach into flames unscathed and have skin that is scorching hot to anyone else."

Spells from other elements become incredibly weak.
Please be sure to have this approved for any regulated combat event.
Effects last for an hour.

"Siren's Kiss"Glowing sapphire liquid in a vial.
"A potion that makes the consumer feel like they are one with the sea. Temporarily attunes one's aether to the element of Water— granting one the ability to breathe underwater and swim at incredible speeds."

Spells from other elements become incredibly weak.
Please be sure to have this approved for any regulated combat event.
Effects last for an hour.

"Golem Skin"Glowing green liquid in a vial.
"A potion that makes the consumer feel like their muscles are made of stone. Temporarily attunes one's aether to the element of Earth— granting one incredible strength and unfathomable resilience. Pain tolerance is also increased considerably."

Spells from other elements become incredibly weak.
Please be sure to have this approved for any regulated combat event.
Effects last for an hour.

"Storm Untamed"Glowing violet liquid in a vial.
"A potion that makes the consumer feel like they are a living storm. Temporarily attunes one's aether to the element of Lightning— granting one a shocking touch and any contact with a solid object will make a thunderous clap."

Spells from other elements become incredibly weak.
Please be sure to have this approved for any regulated combat event.
Effects last for an hour.

More TBA!Please check back later!

Author's Notes:
⇀ These are my personal takes on drugs, poisons, etc.
⇀ Please be sure to have approval from other RP parties prior to using these during your session.⇀ I do not condone the use of illicit substances or poisons in a real-life setting.⇀ These are designed by yours truly, so please do not use these in your own carrds/shops without explicit permission.

Non-Combat Potions

"No Secrets"Glowing yellow liquid in a tiny vial.
"An oddity among potions and most coveted recipe passed down from one generation of Fae's family to the next; the 'No Secrets' is a potion that prevents the consumer from telling lies for an hour."

Consumer will develop an immediate immunity.
Immunity lasts for one month.

"Taciturn Tongue"An amber syrup that tastes like honey.
"A potion that renders its consumer completely silent for a few hours. The consumer will feel as if their tongue and vocal chords have turned into stone— does not prevent consumer from breathing, eating, drinking, or swallowing."
Not a peep shall be heard from them until its effects have worn off.

Effects last for about two hours.

"Ser Brightside"A clear liquid that tastes like angst if the feeling had a flavor.
"More of a fun party potion than useful, but could be used for pranks and other such things. When consumed, the user's eyes suddenly begin to glow as if they were lanturns in the same hue of their own eye color. Rumors have it that it was once used by the duskwights in the deeper reaches of Gelmorra to communicate silently with their kin."

Effects last for about two hours.

"Cloud Nine"A light red tincture that tastes how you feel.
"A tincture that one drips beneath their tongue and let it sit for about fifteen seconds before swallowing. Seems to coat one's throat and mouth with a strange substance that turns one's breath visable. Their breath shall change color dependant on the consumer's mood."

Effects last for an hour.

"Shadowborn"A light pink serum that tastes like iron.
"An oddity among alchemists everywhere as the effects of the potion wear off as soon as the user steps into a light. Once the serum has been consumed, the user is able to go completely undetected whilst shrouded in shadow."

Effects last for several hours.
Effects immediately wear off when exposed to magical light.

More TBA!Please check back later!

Author's Notes:
⇀ These are my personal takes on drugs, poisons, etc.
⇀ Please be sure to have approval from other RP parties prior to using these during your session.⇀ I do not condone the use of illicit substances or poisons in a real-life setting.⇀ These are designed by yours truly, so please do not use these in your own carrds/shops without explicit permission.


"I once used to abhor the use of poisons as they were something of a cowardly method to deal with one's enemies. That was until I learned that you can be very creative with them— or even better, you can hold the antidote just out of their reach as the life leaves their eyes. Doesn't that sound a bit more invigorating than making a mess and getting rid of the murder weapon?"

Please choose your flavor below:

Author's Notes:
⇀ These are my personal takes on drugs, poisons, etc.
⇀ Please be sure to have approval from other RP parties prior to using these during your session.⇀ I do not condone the use of illicit substances or poisons in a real-life setting.⇀ These are designed by yours truly, so please do not use these in your own carrds/shops without explicit permission.

Consumable Poisons

"Mostly Dead"A perfectly clear liquid that lacks flavor and scent.
"A strange potion that renders its consumer with the inevitable symptoms of death; breathing stops, heartbeat undetectable, and aether unreadable. This poison is the perfect way to start a fresh life when one just wants to get away from it all."

The user retains this state with few repercussions for at minimum of 24 hours.
User is unaware of this state.
Multiple doses taken in succession may result in permanent paralysis, asthema, aetherical binding, or true death.
Use wisely.

"Ancient"A light green liquid that ages your victim from the inside out.
"Derived from strange algae located within the deepest reaches of the Ruby Sea that speeds up the aging process within your prey— starting with their internal organs. It's original form is a slow burn, but enhanced with aether and alchemy, it makes this process swift and painful. They will die from organ failure, making cleanup easy and giving you ample time to evade the scene."

"Sweet Silence"A tasteless and scentless powder that quickly dissolves in any liquid or food that causes death by asphyxiation.
"A powder that can be added to any form of liquid and dissolve immediately. It has no taste, smell, or texture that will make the consumer suspicious. The poison affects the throat and lungs first before spreading rapidly through the bloodstream; in essence attacking the respiratory system first before rendering the consumer dead. It's perfect for those that wish to take out their enemy quickly and quietly— all the while preventing their victim from sounding any alarms."

"Howler"A tasteless and scent-free green powder that dissolves instantly in liquid.
"Delicately derived from certain parts of morbol's saliva, yet treated in such a way as to not carry over its pungent scent, as well as some ingredients only found deep within forgotten realms beneath the Twelveswood and even the Sea of Clouds.
After many months of testing, it has been perfected for extracting one's revenge. 'Howler' renders its victim's body completely paralyzed, yet they shall still be able to see, smell, hear, feel, and— most importantly— scream.Revenge is always sweet, and the aftertaste probably never bothered you anyway."

"Shirk"The perfect additive to any food or drink for those who are lazy.
"Why do any of the hard work of killing your enemy when they can do it themselves? Add this liquid to any of your targets' drinks and walk away knowing that you won't be tied to the crime. Once it's been consumed, the target will suffer from a splitting headache and their body moving on its own. They'll do all the work for you by taking their own life."

"Endless Night"A honey-tinted and sweet syrup that makes your target fall comatose.
"If one is desiring to bring down their enemy, but to have very little connection to it, they might choose to add this syrup to their food or drink— and a little bit goes a long way. With just a few drops of this, the consumer will fall into a deep and endless sleep though remain alive for the time being... if they can withstand the nightmares that attack their soul directly and relentlessly until they are given the antidote or they are killed by those same nightmares."

"Glutton"An odd, almost nutty tasting powder meant to be added to one's food.
"Just a pinch of this powder might be added to the victim's food and used consistently over the course of a few meals or treats. The first dose leads to dizziness, the second leads to memory loss, and the third to internal rupturing of the stomach.
This poison makes one a true glutton for punishment."

"Ore'Gon Trail"Just brew a few of these rare leaves in with one's preferred tea.
"Brew these leaves with one's tea, giving the tea an enjoyable tanginess, and just wait for a short while before your victim begins to feel as if their stomach is upset. Not long after they may excuse themselves to the washroom; intestinal pain and defecation hand-in-hand. Perhaps you'll make your escape as they wither away on the chamberpot... They'll die from dysentery."

More TBA!Please check back later!

Contact Poisons

"Morpho Effect"A rare powder derived from the vilekin itself that has the slightest scent of spores and despair.
"It was once said that there was a specific variety of morphos' wing scales were used during wartime to incapacitate the enemies— sapping away the victims' aetherpool slowly, preventing their natural aetherpool to regain its footing, until there was nothing left for them to use to defend themselves. These strange vilekin that caused so much despair were believed to have vanished alongside the Amdapori people. Once a terror, now simply a Gridanian bedtime story.
Much like Fae's namesake and hobby, she raises these Amdapori morpho and collects the powder from their wings to slowly kill those that stand in her way. Now, for a hefty payment, you might be able to get your hands on a small pouch for your own use.All it requires is to come into contact with your target or be inhaled directly into the lungs— but be wary as very few are immune to the effects of the scales even with proper handling and care."

"Unholy Water"A strange and pitch black liquid that doesn't reflect light.
"Like the name suggests, this has the same effect on holy beings as holy water does for fiends and creatures of the Void. It is like an acid that burns the holy ones' skin and causes severe pain and paranoia, though it will not kill them. Their connection to their god might be permanently severed or weakened; providing an ample amount of time to strike down the most holy of individuals."

"Lovestruck"Looks like lipstick, but with a twist.
"An oddity among poisons as it is applied directly to the lips atop of a clear coating that hardens quickly for those lacking an immunity to poison. Pick a color that suits you best and it shall be made for a couple of uses. Once it has been applied, give your target the kiss of death and watch as they fall into a sleep that they shan't wake from. Just make sure that you don't lick your lips."

"Spiteful"A clear liquid that comes in a small vial with a brush.
"The perfect poison that you don't have to add to anything— just paint it onto your nails and give your target a little scratch. It will instantly set the cut ablaze with pain and the flesh around it will begin to boil and fester. They'll be wearing your spite even after you're both long gone. Tis a tried-and-true method of ridding of your enemies."

"Scratch"A powder that lacks scent, color, or taste that will make one peel their own skin off.
"This powder can be either ingested or spread upon your victim's skin. Once the powder mixes with the natural oils or sweat on their skin is when it begins to take effect by making the area go completely numb for a few moments before the real show begins. The numbness will then begin to itch and burn in such a way that is unable to be ignored.
They will begin to itch and scratch at their skin until it has been peeled off their very own flesh."

More TBA!Please check back later!

Author's Notes:
⇀ These are my personal takes on drugs, poisons, etc.
⇀ Please be sure to have approval from other RP parties prior to using these during your session.⇀ I do not condone the use of illicit substances or poisons in a real-life setting.⇀ These are designed by yours truly, so please do not use these in your own carrds/shops without explicit permission.


"Looking for something a bit more... fun, hm? Well, you're in luck, my dear, because I have just what you're looking for— all at a low cost, promise!"

"Creeper"Looks awful, tastes awful, but offers a good time.
"Vines from an odd plant only found deep with ancient Gelmorran ruins that are finely chopped and are meant to be brewed with a tea of the consumer's choosing; causes severe hallucinations and audio perceptions. For many, it is pleasant to be able to 'feel' sound creeping along their skin like a lover's roaming hands and to be able to be able to alter their perception of reality."

Highly addictive.
Withdrawal effects may vary by user.

"Madness"Neon purple liquid that tastes sickeningly sweet.
"The consumer suddenly bursts into a fit of laughter and are nearly impossible to stop— the user feeling freed of society's shackles and feel as if there is nothing in the world that can bring them down. The world around the consumer becomes like a blur and consequences are a thing of the past."

Withdrawal effects may vary by user.

"Liquid Heat"This liquid comes in a small heart-shaped glass vial and smells like it has a dash of cinnamon.
"A few drops of this potion in a drink and you'll find yourself searching for satisfaction again and again and again... One will feel as if they are, as the more sex-driven folks might say, 'in heat'. The effects of this drug will not leave your system until you've allowed yourself giving into your most carnal and sexual desires."

Highly addictive.
Withdrawal effects may vary by user.

"Squander"Sweet baby blue pills.
"Strange pills that force one into a deep and peaceful slumber. Rumors have it that the consumer will suffer some memory loss upon awakening. Many that partake in this particular drug use it to help deal with previous trauma at the cost of having their own memories locked away within their subconscious— often resurfacing as nightmares or visions; making the user more reliant on Squander to keep them at bay."

Highly addictive.
Withdrawal effects may vary by user.

"Buttercups"Sweet and sour baby pink pills.
"Just one tiny pill can lead to a whole evening worth of entertainment in the bedroom; increased heartrate, heightened sense of taste, touch, and smell, as well as more impulsiveness. Once one of these babies has gone down the hatch, the consumer can say goodbye to all sense of fear when it comes to making their way onto the dancefloor or perhaps even the bedroom."

Highly addictive.
Withdrawal effects may vary by user.

Author's Notes:
⇀ These are my personal takes on drugs, poisons, etc.
⇀ Please be sure to have approval from other RP parties prior to using these during your session.⇀ I do not condone the use of illicit substances or poisons in a real-life setting.⇀ These are designed by yours truly, so please do not use these in your own carrds/shops without explicit permission.


Hello and thank you for reading my carrd!I would like to state immediately that IC =/= OOC.~I tend to go by "Fae" and I live in the US (CST). I'm 25+, nonbinary, and prefer they / she pronouns.My time online is typically in the evenings or on the weekends!

RP STYLEI am more than happy to RP with beginners or veterans alike. Fae is a very beginner-friendly character to interact with and can fit into any crowd or style of RP.As you can well see, I have put a lot of time and effort into Fae as a character and go into detail about her life/story. I have fleshed out her character over the course of 5+ years. Though, like any creator or character on the market, her lore may change depending on MSQ events / new lore discoveries.I will mirror RP (mimic post-length of other RP partners) in most situations, but prefer para-style more often than not. Don't hesitate to add that bit of flavor text!

MATURE THEMESI expect that if we RP that you are 21+ and can handle mature themes.I enjoy darker/heavier themes in RP. If we ever tread upon topics that make you OOC uncomfortable, do not hesitate to tell me in either DM or /tell.I value you as a human over roleplay.
OOC is always more important than IC. And once again, IC =/= OOC.
That being said:
I do not condone non-con RP in any setting.
It's repulsive and fetishism of sexual assault, even in a fictional setting, is awful.
Please DNI if you enjoy/participate in non-con RP.

ERPFae is not interested in having any sexual relations at this time. She is merely seeking platonic relationships and business deals.She is a femme fatale: a female character who often uses flirtation, compliments, seduction (without explicit acts) and other such methods to get what she wants.Though this is her nature, please respect that she is not that into your OC.
Seriously, she doesn't like 'em enough to touch the pp or hoochie.
Please DNI if ERP is your end goal with her.

LOREWhen it comes to character lore, I have a simple rule of "it can be bendy, but not broken". So long as it isn't overpowered or can work within this lovely fantasy sandbox we've been given, I can work with almost anything.However, I will not interact with "WoL", "isekai", or overpowered characters.
This is merely a personal preference & if your OC is considered any of those things, then I wish you the best of luck in your future RP endeavors.

Please feel free to give me a follow on my socials to hang out beyond the game! I stream some evenings CST and often post OC blurbs & sweet and spicy screenies on the bird app.